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Posts posted by OneOllyBoi

  1. So I was looking into doing a mono-type run on Reborn but been feeling burnt out on those as I did quite a few on Insurgence. Then saw someone on Reddit (u/KorMap) doing a mono-cat run which made me think of doing a mono-species run but couldn't decide on a species.


    Then I thought of using all Pokémon of a certain colour (picked for me by a random colour generator, rounding to the nearest general colour).


    Hoping to get some advice on the rules I should go by for this run.


    For example , if I got green I could use Tyranitar, but as Pupitar is blue would I still be able to use it if the end goal is green? I could remove Pupitar from the team and replace until I'm at the level cap and power level him to Ttar is another option. 


    Alternatively, Electrike is green, but Manectric is blue, would you stop using Electrike once it evolved or stop it evolving?


    I'm pretty sure "end goal green" in the Ttar case is probably the most straight-forward but hoping to get some more ideas or thoughts rom the community before I officially start!

  2. Currently softlocked in the Route 3 LCCC, specifically when activating the second monitor to move the wall next to the healing machine.


    Going in to the next room with Aster & Eclipse, Aya says they cant see Cain, A&E send off the grunt and I get the error "44, Aster, 0 - Cannot load trainer pls report".


    Enabling debug to walk through walls and going through the other entrances prompts the same dialogue and error. Warping map doesn't seem to do anything and playing with the switches around this part of the game (480-490ish) like MeteorRoute3 / gotAya / leaveAya, etc. they don't seem to do anything.


    Walking through walls to get to Calcenon City, I can interact with Hardy, Fern and the others in the house up until they prompt me to challenge the Calcenon Gym, but that sort of soft locks me aswell as the guy at the gym says she's not around. All the while Aya is still with me and makes all wild battles a double fight.


    Very annoying at this stage in the game and don't want to restart if possible :(


    Any ideas?

    • Fixed 1
  3. Tried a brand new download of Reborn and same issue unfortunately. Apologies if I was unclear but I am on 19.16 and using randomiser password rather than a mod.


    Strangely a new save / randomiser options doesn't work when I select randomise mine and opponents species/moves/abilities, but does work when I unselect the opponent options.


    Doesn't explain how the existing/original randomiser broke out of the blue!

  4. Having some issues with my randomiser at the mo - it's stopped randomising and getting a lot more crashes. This is since creating a separate Reborn folder (and renamed) and created a separate randomiser run with shuffled settings instead of random, but I'm still not convinced this interfered, but the timing is suspicious. In the original randomiser I had everything set to random (rather than shuffled) except for trainers, items and types. For testing I tried a new save with the same settings and I get the below error when encountering any pokemon.

    Tried compiling all data but no luck.


    Original randomiser everything is normal aside from the odd crash, even the abilities and movesets have stayed random, except for the species!



     Any ideas?

  5. You could edit the PBS files 'pokemon.txt' and replace every move with metronome and then compile all data via the debug menu. I'm not sure if this would apply for trainer Pokémon. You could also try to replace moves.txt with a copy that only contains metronome (and then compiling all data via debug) but I'm almost certain this will cause errors.

    I'm sure there's a quicker way as that will probably take a while to do, I've only messed around with scripts and PBS files on a small scale so apologies I don't know a quicker way!

  6. Hi there!


    I'm trying to mod my version of Reborn via the game's files. I've got the PBS files and have figured out how to mod existing Pokemon (e.g. types, stats, level up moves, etc.) but I cannot figure out how to mod their alternate forms.
    Example, I'm trying to make Salamence a special attacker and basically switch around it's physical/special stats. Adjusting this in the pokemon.txt PST file and compiling all data allows this to work. I also change the properties for Mega Salamence in PokemonMultipleForms in Scripts, however when I change the form to Mega Salamence the changes don't apply (standard BST, ability). I don't seem to have a pokemonforms.txt as standard, but did download one and compile data but this didn't work.


    I don't have RPGMaker so haven't tried doing anything through there (yet).


    Any advice?

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