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Restless Lullaby

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Posts posted by Restless Lullaby

  1. Wait you mean there was a trainer I could battle all along? Well, at least I haven't grinded all the way to lvl 75 yet haha! That's gonna save me a lot of time, thank you for the tip!

    Thank you both for the help!! I could set up a trade with each of you if that's okay? I like to get pokemons from every trainer for the lottery so! If that's okay, Cobra could get me the Ice Stone and NeoBolt the datachip? ^^

  2. Hey!

    I'm looking for an Ice Stone as well as a Data chip. I can't access any of them due to being locked out of reborn for now and Terra is kind of kicking my butt lol. So I need the ice stone to evolve my A. vulpix and try to bring her down, but I'd still like a data chip in case I can't manage to win and I get too frustrated to enable litemode (at least for this battle... my current team is kind of suffering through this right now).
    I don't have that much since I don't have access to a lot of the game, but I have a few shinies I found while playing, and some mons I bred prior to that, like A. Vulpix, or Riolu, or even Popplio (can offer a shiny of those). Otherwise I have other evolution stones and maybe some star pieces if it can be any good.


    Side note, does anyone know the best way to xp without XP candies? I don't have access to them either because I didn't stock up enough before leaving the town. So I'm trying to xp off wild pokemon and well, it's a bit grindy, so I'm wondering if there isn't a better way to do that. ^^"
    Thanks in advance!

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