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Posts posted by TheFrozenDiamond

  1. in the heather fight in the elite four she leads with a crobat on a mountain field, why does it not take super effective dmg from either thunder or ice puch on my mega metagross?


    is there something im missing in the field effect notes? i read through them but couldn't find anything about changing weaknesses. could someone help?


  2. thx for the headsup i was just about to post about this situation, the victory road pokecenter broke (though when i flew to GH the heal worked there. right now im softlocked in BF 2 on victory road (room with victoria and hardy after with the 4 cristal types as either side the rockslide crashes my game. 


    Gonna do a reinstall and see if it fixes things


  3. Playing on the 19.1 open beta patch and when i recieve the quest egg from the girl in onix appartment, when i try to open the summary to look at the egg's description the game crashes.


    however if i open the summary on a pokemon in my team, then scroll down still in the summary screen it does show the egg without crashing. this is also specific to this egg, as i can simply open the summary tab for the egg found in the slums.

    bug egg onix ward.png

  4. In preperation for the inevitable e19 release i did a rerun of ep1-18. right now i've beaten hardy and wanted to do some of the sidequests namely the aqua gang job appl quest.

    i've finished all restorations howerever archie never seems to appear in 7th street for me and i don't know why. is it a glitch or bug or is there something i'm missing to trigger the quest?


  5. Bug buzz is supposed to hit all pokemons in a double battle from my understanding (bulbapedia states so) as it is a sound based move. however it only hits a single target durign a double battle. in this case the rodamus gymfight as i planned to use helping hand bugbuzz to wipe the gym. is this because it was changes specificly for reborn or not?

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