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Posts posted by Rule9730

  1. 6 minutes ago, Karvanha said:

    Yeah no Spinda does not actually have forms like that lol. I'm talking about like Unown and Flabebe (if you make the mod also consider cosmetic forms), and other Pokemon that can appear in more than one form in the same area (in base game there's only Marowak in Mirage Tower, but mods like Reatomized have more)

    Oh ok

  2. 2 hours ago, BowserusCatus said:

    Found a softlock in the game with this specific trainer where after beating a ferrothorn the game will display an error message. the trainer will then not throw out any pokemon and I have no choice but to run from the battle since when I attack it says "there was no target". I dont know if this is the right place to mention stuff like this but I dont know where to put this issue. (I also dont really know how to make posts on this site so I apologize if I got something wrong)


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    its in that one building you have to fight team meteor in after you restored the city by defeating that swalot boss

    I remember that trainer. I ended up just using walk through walls mod.

  3. 1 hour ago, SheikiFang said:

    I have a question on evolving rellor and pawmi. How does that work in reborn??


    Honestly on a few. Ursaring being as it needs a full moon. Most of these that are coming from legends arceus/Scarlett & Violett have me intrigued on how you have them implemented.

    Ursaring just has to be at night using the peat block

  4. Is it possible for the shards to not only skip puzzles, but skip getting items that you could get if you searched the map? Like once you beat shelly you can get the mining tools instead of having to go down the grand stairway and talk to the npc, among other things like getting the mega stones instead of having to look for them once more.

  5. I know it isn't a problem for people who use fullivs password, or use debug mode but how do you feel about adding an IV ball that guarantees 5 31 ivs or all of them? I know it would be mostly a post game ball, but I would want one for the legendary Sylvally, which you can get before post game.

  6. Is there a plan to add more moves to pokemon? Like adding more special rock type moves, I'm pretty sure there's only three, ancient power, meteor beam, and power gem. Talking about rock moves almost all rock moves don't have 100% accuracy, so maybe bump one or two to 100 as long as it isn't rock slide... Well maybe rock slide gets that, but only in mountain terrain Idk if it already gets that. Maybe have wild charge have the same BP as flare blitz.

  7. Just wondering do you think you can add pokemon from insurgance. It's a thought that just came to me suddenly, so I don't really want it badly, it just came to me. Technically that could be said for any other fan game unique mons, but I think adding every single one would be really pushing the game quite a bit over the edge, among it being hard to implement, you would also have to get permission from other people. So it's probably not doable.

  8. Random idea, but would you be willing to buff the move octazooka? Also make weak moves be more accurate?

    Idk if this is a bug or that's how you want it to work, but make it rain currently doesn't work like pay day and it lowers special defence instead of special attack.

    I think there's a bug with toadstool and using moves on it that afflict statuses on it, because move like heat wave always managed to burn it and his teammate, along with it not causing damage.


  9. 45 minutes ago, BlueTowel said:



    It's been a long journey creating and working on this mod and with this community. 
    Pokémon games always felt pretty stale before, but Reborn was challenging enough to make me pay attention to the game. It was really fun. Once I got used to it, it was fun to play monotype runs. I'd been meaning to try to learn coding for a while but never really found a way to make it fun for myself. I did some simple Pokémon edits for my own enjoyment and to spice up monotypes, and someone encouraged me to share them with others. The game had a Mod Market so I made it a mod. 
    I wanted to make sure I stuck with the project for a while, maybe actually finish a project for a change, so I called it v0.1. I'd do nine updates to learn to code and have some fun, then try to apply it to earning some money. 
    I take care of a disabled friend, and not a lot of money is provided for doing so. I'd been having health issues of my own for a while, and I'd recently dropped out of a degree due to struggling to actually get any work done. It wasn't until last year that I had a real idea of what those difficulties were and what had been going on. Autism, ADHD-I, Tourette's Syndrome, FND related to noise. The biggest issue is having absent seizures from noise. Sometimes I don't even know they've happened. I think a few seconds or a few minutes have passed, but it's actually been a lot longer. It made it difficult to find work that I was capable of and that I could fit around taking care of my friend. It makes it difficult to do much of anything on particularly bad days. 


    It was a great emotional escape working on a game project. It helped me to quit using cannabis as a coping mechanism. I used the productivity and quality of work as a way to gauge how much my attempts to manage my condition were working. I'd been on waiting lists for months, years, trying to get answers for what had been happening with me. I had my first witnessed seizures in 2017, and I had my first major seizure in 2019, and I still don't have a formal, written diagnosis of FND over it.

    And it was a lot of fun making Pokémon, although I didn't learn much coding at first. You can only learn so much from editing data. So I added some new game mechanics, and some events, and I kept growing the scope of the mod just to get more experience. I still really just wanted to do a few updates, I figured I'd do a quick update for e19 and then a final event update before leaving.
    I'd made so many Pokémon, though, and they needed sprites. People had been contributing them over time, sometimes as ideas, sometimes because they liked a form, sometimes just to help out. But there were still a lot missing. So I asked someone who did a lot of spriting for help with a few. Kixur. She really jumped at it, and made so many more sprites than I was expecting. 
    I really appreciated her, but I wasn't doing too well and I regret not expressing it more often. It hit me pretty hard when she died. I wanted to find some way to honour her memory and the work she'd done, so I decided to stick with the project longer and grow it into something larger so more people would get to see her efforts. I turned it into Plates of Arceus, and I decided to go full ham with scope and features. It just kind of evolved into the idea of making a full on expansion for Reborn with new generation mechanics and content tied into the lore, and exploring more of the setting and unanswered questions and so much more. I wanted to explore all of the possibilities of Pokémon, delving deeper into the implications of the lore and the potentials of the game mechanics.
    I figured I'd just accept my disability and have it as a hobby while working on the rest of life.

    The friend I take care of wasn't so keen on me sticking with it longterm, though. He was worried he'd pass away at some point and I'd have no means of taking care of myself. There's no money in modding a fangame. We seemed to be doing okay, but we needed a little more to make life a little less hard. Have a higher income so we could hire a gardener who turns up more than once a year, and a cleaner who turns up more than once a month and doesn't break things. Buy clothes for a change rather than have them donated.
    So I started work on another game, but it wasn't enough. I had to be making some kind of money for the mod work I was doing, so I started a Patreon that was to support me while working on the game and the mod. 
    I think that was a mistake.
    It added a lot of pressure on me to expand what I felt I should be doing. Trying to stream, be more visible, keep people updated and interested. I didn't really have the time for that as well. 
    We'd also adopted a stray cat we'd been feeding. He'd been attacked over Christmas and needed medical treatment, so we kept him in afterwards. It was a lot of work to take care of that cat.
    That started to eat into my sleeping hours as well. He was quick to learn to start using a litter tray, but he never really mastered it. His health gradually worsened over a couple of years, and I had to spend more and more time cleaning up after him.
    Last year was really bad for that. An uninterrupted night of sleep became a rarity. Some nights I'd be getting up several times to deal with it. Then I'd have a day of taking care of my friend and trying to work on projects.
    But I had a lot of motivation, the support of friends, and I could see a way it could all work out.


    2022 was generally really rough. Rising cost of living added more pressure to use less and earn more, and making a game felt irresponsible. I had an app idea that I'd vaguely tried to create before that would help people reduce their cost of living a tiny bit, and it felt like the time to try to create that to help people out. I ended up spending all day, every day working on something. Burn out was inevitable, but I hoped to reach some kind of income-generating goal before that point. In the end, I did not. I'd mentioned before that if I couldn't generate an income, then I wouldn't be able to continue with this project. I kept on trying anyway. With the app, with this project. Updating the sprites was a nightmare, there were so many, the spritesheet compiler was initially broken, Pokémon sprites had been updated, there had to be egg sprites, and shiny icons, and Starry did an incredible job updating so many before Felicity helped to finish that up. It took way too long to get it done. The sprites and form data were the most timeconsuming things to update, and it sounded from peoples' messages to me that the mod market was about to flourish with a wide array of projects. So I needed to put more into PoA, make it bigger, brighter, deeper, stronger. It was too much for me, so I asked for help. I needed to be earning money first so I could work on it more myself, but stressed and pressured to work as fast as I could, I ended up making mistakes and having to redo my app work. 
    So inevitably I burnt out a bit.


    I ended up taking a break for what was supposed to be a two week job adapting the kitchen for my friend's wheelchair. I figured I wouldn't be able to get much done with the noise of construction, but I didn't expect to not be able to use the PC at all due to the energy costs and the power regularly tripping out from the builders' tools. For a month and a half before they decided to take a holiday, and still haven't finished. 
    The sleep deprivation from the cat's health issues worsened, various online dramas I'd been trying to avoid had gotten under my skin, arguments with my friend over everything and nothing, the fucking seizures... and I ended up trying to take my life on Christmas morning. I just went into some kind of autopilot, fixated on doing just that. In the end I was just too physically exhausted to make the necessary ascent. 
    I should have taken that as a sign that I was trying to do too much, but it was far from the first sign I'd ignored that I was on the wrong path. 
    Looking back, there had been so many times I'd said to myself, "if this happens, or if that doesn't happen, then I should stop this project." There had been so many last straws that I'd said I'd just put up with and tough out until things improved. 
    Offers of help that never fruit, wondering if team members are demotivated because of verbal abuse and other very negative interactions with people related to the main game, feeling like an outsider in the dev community, constantly having to redo work due to engine updates... However much of that is on me, it still results in my motivation being chipped away.


    Then this year, the best cat died. She was such a lovely girl. She'd play with our feisty rescue cat, and comfort the stray. She lost weight and energy rapidly, and couldn't stand anymore. 
    Then a few days later we took the stray cat to the vets for a checkup, and he was in such a poor state of health that the best thing we could do for him was to put him down. Two cats in four days... 
    I tried to use this project as an emotional escape again, all while I was being constantly updated about my dad's rapid decline as well. No longer recognising family members, no longer able to read or count or know the date, being given a DNR and my brothers already emptying his house...
    It had been frustrating to talk to him on the phone in the last couple of years. No matter what the subject of conversation, he would end up telling the same few life stories, over and over again. Half of which were about how people had stolen his inventions during his engineering career. Nothing fanciful, just that he'd made modest efficiency improvements only for a coworker to replace his name on the papers or take his ideas to the bosses without him. He would constantly warn me about people stealing work and ideas.
    It's hard not to let something you're told over and over again sink in, especially by a parent. It's something that's definitely been playing in my subconscious. Feelings that wouldn't subside.


    And I look back at the last year, at all the drama, all the pointless struggles to work on an ambitious Pokémon fangame mod, at the other ideas I've had and what could have been if I'd worked on them instead without so much pressure from every direction...
    There aren't a lot of directions I can take pressure away from. I don't feel like myself anymore. I feel like a part of my soul is infected, and I have to tear it out.


    So for my personal wellbeing, I'm leaving. Permanently, completely. 


    I'm truly sorry to do it this way. 
    I really wanted to try to leave on a high note, or to at least tidy up before leaving, but I couldn't. It's not just my life that this affects, it affects the life of the friend I take care of as well. I can't keep toughing it out when he's grieving his favourite cats, one of whom was the last pet he shared with his parents... Not after everything else.
    I'm sorry for ignoring everyone DMing me to check on me, to ask how I'm doing and telling me they appreciate me. This is emotionally difficult enough, and I need a clean break to make it through this year. Cost of living continues to climb, the money for disability and being a carer is nowhere near rising to match. I can't use the PC much at all anymore, I sure as hell need to avoid using it for anything besides work. Even the Patreon donations, saved up over the last year, only amounted to half of the last bill. To my Patrons, I am truly thankful for your support that helped me to make it this far, and I've noted down your email addresses. If I manage to make a game, the one I'd talked about in my Patreon posts, and I will surely try to, I will send you all a free copy.
    It hurts too much to say goodbye to everyone individually. 
    I won't be able to cope if anyone tries to persuade me to stay, and I don't want to risk getting caught up in another loop of rising motivation only to crash back down when finances bite.
    I need a clean break.
    So I'm deleting all of my social media accounts.
    I won't be deleting my Google or Github accounts so the files and spreadsheets will still be there for the PoA team to make use of if they wish. It would be a shame to let all of the work by everyone, especially Starry, Dred, GHOST CHAN and Candii, go to waste. I hope you can at least release a form pack with what's left. But I will be removing the account from my PC and phone, so I won't be able to receive any messages to it. 

    I hope you get better. You are the creator of the mod so it is within your power to leave it completely and not feel bad if it improves your life. I know you probably won't see this message, but once again I hope you get better.

  10. 55 minutes ago, Fervis said:

    Follow-up update ~

    • some trainer team adjustments
    • s51-a should be able to mega evolve now
    • New Vendor for TM's inside the Nature-Changer's house


    New Events! (Detailed info on the excel file):

    • Sprigatito (Spinel Town)
    • Fuecoco (Ametrine City)
    • Quaxly (Neo-Peridot Ward)
    • Charcadet (Titanias Castle)

    Got a lot in my plate past days, maybe forgot something to address.

    But as always, bug reports appreciated!

    Was the AI reacting to gen 9 pokemon fixed? Thanks for the update

  11. 39 minutes ago, Fervis said:

    ~ New Version is online! ~


    • Quick Charge now gives +4 Priority on first turn
    • Ceaseless Edge, Stone Axe, and Chilly Reception should work now
    • Redo of Excel file (more clear, hopefully)
    • Most Gen 9 things are now implemented (removed the experimental version)
    • All Pokemon can be encountered (Except for some WIP Events)
    • Slight adjustments to trainer teams over time
    • A tiny "Teaser" for an upcoming mod I'm working on (third one...), that also will be implemented in this mod

    Moves and Abilities that do not work as of now:

    • Revival Blessing


    • Commander
    • Protosynthesis / Quark Drive
    • Zero to Hero
    • Supreme Overlord
    • Opportunist
    • Cud Chew


    Even though it has a larger download size, I recommend to fully download the mod once instead of using the patch this time.


    Is the teaser having to do with a sound typing?

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