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Posts posted by LordDarkfor

  1. 16 hours ago, Waynolt said:



    Please try this:
    1. Remove SWM - ChooseStarter.rb (moving it to the desktop will be fine)

    2. Install SWM - ChooseStarter - debug mode.rb

    (It's essentially the same mod, except that this one will verbosely say what it is doing when checking for the starter room)
    (It will also confirm that it has been loaded on game launch)

    3. Start a new game

    4. Go to the starter room

    5. Choose any pokemon

    6. Open the party menu

    What messages did the mod display?

    Mod seems to load, but still does not work. Screen Capped everything the mod displayed.



  2. 1 hour ago, Waynolt said:

    Please try this:
    1. Start a new game

    2. Change any setting in the Options menu

    3. Save the game

    4. Start a new game

    5. Choose any starter

    6. Open the party menu

    Sadly can not seem to get this to work either. even double checked if putting in passwords was the cause of anything.

  3. 7 hours ago, Waynolt said:

    Can you confirm whether the mods are actually being loaded?

    How would i go about finding out if the mods are loaded or not? 
    It's installed the same way as v18x was. Pokemon Reborn/data/Mods. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Waynolt said:

    It's not in there any longer - now instead it asks if you want to change your starter when you open the party menu while in the starter room with 0 badges.

    The starter room is detected as "the room you were in when you took the last step without having a party" - this is to increase the portability of the mod, but also means that returning to the starter room or installing the mod after choosing a starter will not activate it.

    This does not seem to actually work. In the actual starter room with no badges and no option to change the starter appears. Has this been tested with more than one save file? As I'm restarting from the beginning on save 2.

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