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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Status Updates posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. Icy just realized January 7 was her 4 year anniversary on Reborn.

    1. Chrixai


      Happy Anniversary!

    2. krim


      Dont worry, I never remember mine either lol


      Happy anniversary in any case.

    3. Maqqy


      4 years omg happy anniv!! You’re practically Hokage of Reborn.

  2. What search engine do Fire Emblem characters use? Google Chrom.

    1. Wolfox


      I thought they'd use Fire Emblem Fox

    2. Maqqy
  3. If Iki Town was a place where you can find info on almost anything, it'd be Wiki Town.

  4. If a character in a story makes a pun and that pun becomes important later, it's a Chekhov's Pun. 

  5. If Toby Fox made ORAS, the Delta Episode would be the Deltarune Episode.

    1. Wolfox


      Gosh Darnit Barb!

    2. GenEric


      Then we could be buddies with deoxys and have tea with the gang leaders while talking about climate change

  6. If Labradorra City was populated by Psychic-type Pokemon, it'd be Kadabradorra City.

    1. SilverAngelus


      Looks like you hit Snubbulls eyes with that pun

    2. Alistair


      what an alakazamazing pun!

  7. If Nebby was in Kanto, it'd live in Pewter City.

    1. Abyssreaper99


      Nebby, stay in the goddamn bag!

    2. CrossImpact
  8. If all the Meteor members at the Glass Workstation were female, it'd be the Lass Workstation. 

    If it was a project for school, it'd be the Class Workstation.

    If it was Florinia's gym, it'd be the Grass Workstation. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SilverAngelus


      Would it be the Pass Workstation if someone took a test in it and passed said test?

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      It would be the Mass Workstation if it was in Massachusetts 

    4. Dreamy


      If someone farts is it the Gas Workstation?

      Or the Ass Workstation

  9. If Flabebe was a Bug type, it'd be Flabeebee. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maqqy


      Best one yet.

    3. SilverAngelus


      If a Flabébé was a electric type, would it be Flabolté?

    4. Nebulazure


      I can't unsee that now...

  10. Munchlax is a Fighting type: Punchlax. Munchlax eats in the afternoon: Lunchlax. Lunchlax's intuition: Hunchlax.

    1. ZEL


      Munchlax with a bag of chips: Crunchlax

    2. SilverAngelus


      Crunchlax with an abundance of food: Bunchlax

    3. Nebulazure


      Someone make a mixtape for Munchlax 🤣

  11. Happy blepday Cassie! Here's a neopolitan ice cream sandwich: 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alistair


      and I thought I was the first with "blepday". Curse you, Icy! If it weren't for you meddling witch, I would have gotten away with it!

    3. Punkeev


      im laughing icy I 99% sure thought I said blepday first but im pretty sure that :neopolitan: ice cream sandwich also cx < 3 

      Icy amaze ICSW 


      late I agree cass. ✨

    4. Punkeev


      I apologize, it was 1% ultra rare Icy.


      my bad


  12. If Morty was the smallest of the Johto Gym Leaders: Shorty. If Morty was middle-aged: Forty. 

    1. ZEL


      If Morty was a zebra: Marty

  13. Jigglypuff laughs: Gigglypuff

  14. Today is national ice cream sandwich day, so here are ice cream sandwiches for everyone! ice-cream-sandwich.png?width=645&height=430

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zander


      That looks so good!

    3. ZEL


      I didn't have an ice cream sandwich today, but I did have ice cream, that's still valid right?

    4. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Absolutely! All forms of ice cream are valid! 

  15. If New York was founded by dogs, it'd be New Bork

    1. IntSys


      If New York was founded by Porky pigs, it'd be New Pork.

    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      If it was founded by birds, it'd be New Stork

      If it was founded by Icy, it'd be New Spork

    3. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      "Even though New Bork
      Was once New Hamsterdam~"


  17. Today is Icy's 1-year anniversary of joining the auth team.


    I was surprised when Ame asked me if I wanted to be a mod. I was excited at the idea, but wondered whether I should accept or not. I'd never been in a position of authority before, and there were some parts of the job I wasn't sure I could handle. Mainly, the idea of possibly having to deal with people who were angry about getting warning points was scary. 


    I did decide to accept, and I'm glad I did. It's been fun seeing how the auth team makes decisions on what action to take in certain situations, what changes should be made to the community, and how events (like the summer and winter parties) will be set up. There's a lot of stuff Icy didn't know about what happens behind the scenes, and Icy gets to give her input too now. 


    Since 2008, I've been in a few different online places (since 2004 if lurking counts). Most of the time, I was active for ~2 years before burning out and slowly becoming less active, or leaving for other reasons. I haven't ever been as involved in an online community as I have been in Reborn. In other places, I never participated in any site events or anything like that, and didn't really make any contributions to the communities beyond just posting. 


    Hopefully I'm doing a good job as a mod, and as a user in general. ^^ Thank you all for being here! ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Zarc


      Gratz ! 

    3. Eviora


      Happy Anniversary! May you enjoy many pictures of chocolate-covered pretzels!

    4. SilverAngelus


      Wow, you do deserve to be a mod, you're great at what you do! I only hope you continue to do so~

      Congratulations, and Happy Anniversary Icy!

      Please have some 🍨 and 🍰

  18. Happy birthday Inuki! Here's an ice cream sandwich Image result for ice cream sandwich

  19. A Poke Ball with a 0% catch rate is a Joke Ball

    A Nest Ball that works well on sleeping Pokemon is a Rest Ball

    A Lure Ball that heals a Pokemon's status conditions is a Cure Ball

    Ultra Ball + Beast Ball = Ultra Beast Ball

    A Heavy Ball that catches cars is a Chevy Ball

    A Dusk Ball that works well on Mamoswine and Walrein is a Tusk Ball

    A Heal Ball that works well on Seel and Spheal is a Seal Ball

    A Cherish Ball that works well on Cherubi is a Cherry Ball

    A Dive Ball that works well on Beedrill and Combee is a Hive Ball

  20. I had chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and chocolate ice cream with chocolate sauce for lunch. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      I have black forest cheesecake 

    3. Candy


      Yum yum~ lovely sugars 😛

    4. SilverAngelus


      My claim that you and Candy are the sweetest peeps I know still stands

  21. I need no introduction, but my name is Icy
    I'm so stylish my sand castles are pricy
    Cold rhymes and fire breath, you can call it freezerburn
    One verse will end this, you don't even get a turn 
    I attack my foes with intensity and grace
    My skill's astronomical, it goes beyond space 
    If you're on my team then you're living the dream
    Otherwise you're buying us all ice cream
    I've got people everywhere, you can't escape our vision
    And we can all roast with utmost precision 
    I think that's enough to make my point clear
    So that's all for now, I hope you have a good year

    1. Ikaru


      where's my :fire: react?

  22. Is there also a Watermaze, Firemaze, and Windmaze? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Candy


      Wabou Earthmaze (no one remembers the earth benders sad)

    3. Dreamy


      @Candy I said earthmaze.......


      I see how it is.

    4. Candy


      Oops didn't scroll up muh badsies~

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