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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Post Comments posted by Amethyst

  1. 3 hours ago, SilverAngelus said:

    These character arts are dope. 👀

    Mind if I ask how Raine is pronounced?


    Just like the weather! Nothing weird, we just have a spare vowel because angels are Extra. 


    3 hours ago, Winter said:

    >hime cut

    >loves books
    >star motif

    aulyra is twilight sparkle confirmed??





    ////mom can you come pick me up

    • Like 4
  2. 4 hours ago, coriolan said:

    professional curiosity, what kind of engine are you guys using? I know you had to heavily mod the ruby engine you used for Reborn, which seemed to take up a lot of dev time. Wondering if you found a better alternative?


    We're using a heavily modified version of RPG Maker MV for Starlight. You're right that breaking Reborn out of RMXP took a lot of effort because it was originally through an immutably compiled executable from 2005, but RMMV is different because it is made to be fully customizable in the first place. In fact, we already updated the actual running engine for the demo off of the program default, and as we continue making modifications, RPG Maker will more and more just become a GUI rather than an engine.


    I didn't make the decision haphazardly. At the time we started Godot wasn't well known or supported yet, I dislike GameMaker's a subscription model, Unity has iffy 2d support, and the sRPG engine hadn't been released yet. Even then, sRPG is pretty incomplete... there just really isn't a good tRPG base, so working from something we were already familiar with (and already had grid support) seemed about as good of a choice as any. So far I don't have a concrete reason to regret it!



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