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West Gearen Help Center Final Reward


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Similar to the Bulbasaur helpcenter quest on Terajuma not giving the reward (and thus locking me out of the reward for clearing all the Terajuma quests), the West Gearen help center's final reward is broken. 


I did the Hidden Library Quest 3 last if that helps any. I'm pretty sure the reward for clearing everything is supposed to be a starter egg, and the bulbasaur quest was supposed to give an egg too. So it might be getting eggs as rewards that causes the problem?


Anyways it just gives me this dialogue and doesn't let me claim it.


Edit: Just realized I posted this in the wrong thing. Can I request someone to move this to Troubleshooting please ?


download (1).png



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First question would be do you have patch 3 installed? because before that, there was an error involving picking up eggs in the overworld and this could be related. 


Second question would be was this save started in a previous version or were there any special circumstances around your starter choice, because I think those particular rewards are supposed to be somewhat dependent on what you picked?

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Didn't realize Patch 3 was out. Guess that would be the issue. Thanks!


To answer your questions, this was started on Patch 1 and I picked Torchic for the starter normally.

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