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AI Errors V11


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1) Using a Pokeball while a partner pokemon is in the middle of Bounce/Fly/etc will keep the partner stuck doing nothing for the rest of the battle (and I'm pretty sure they're still considered in the semi-invulnerable turn so they dodge everything lol, you could potentially abuse this with toxic spikes or something). Didn't test if it happens as well in regular double battles, but it's extremely easy to replicate with Aelita's Hawlucha.


2) Generally speaking the AI tends to adapt decently well against Wide Guard usage, and avoids using AE moves when one of your mons has been shown to have Wide Guard, however Erick's signature move (Thunder Pulse) seems to completely disregard that,. He keeps spamming Thunder Pulse every turn regardless, I assume the move isn't properly labeled as an ae move or something.


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