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Trespassers V2: Tales of the Masks [IC]


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Edmond blanched. He'd been hoping to leave that behind, those actions. He'd convinced himself they'd been necessary, that he'd had no way of knowing how they would turn out. But, if he looked carefully at his actions, there was no arguing that everything he'd done contradicted with what he'd told Lexiel. It was all about sacrifices for the greater good, for the most payoff. As the Makuta continued his attempts to sway the others, Edmond stared at the ground silently, lost in thought.


When the being had finished, Edmond spoke up. ". . .I think that's highly debateable. Selling people out was never my intent, and I believe firmly that I didn't really." The biggest moment would be that when he stayed behind as the group fled the cops. But that, that had a purpose. If they failed to escape, or became wanted, they'd have needed a man on the outside, someone without criminal stamped across his forehead. Maybe had he stayed with them, things in the Arcology would not have been so bloody. Almost certainly. But how could he have known that? He'd taken the courses of action that had seemed right at the time to him; there was never any intent to sell them out.


"You have the wrong impression of me, I don't want pawns, and a way to be at my allies side? Tempting, yes. But you set the price too high. I have others who can teach me, without requiring that I become an agent of their will."


"Also, I make a point to be polite to everyone if possible." That had stung, and Edmond knew that Makuta knew it had hit home. How could it not have? Still a little caught up in the internal argument he was having, Edmond asked a final question, hopefully as a distraction for the being from his internal turmoil. "So Makuta, I have a question for you. Can appear in a shadow any size? Like, do I need to be worried about you appearing inside my toolkit because it doesn't have an internal light?" He hoped that Dackly would be able to see the answer even if Makuta did not respond.

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Jade's hand tensed up and curled up into a fist when he first sensed the Makuta's shadowy touch. He wasn't wrong though. Among all these strong and powerful folks, he's just an ordinary man with a gun. However, even still he's been able to assist. Besides, he hasn't met an entity so far that can out smart a bullet to the right spot, and he doubts that Mr.Makuta will be any different. Finding that one spot on the other hand is the tricky part of the job. "Sure, sure you can take my trigger finger, but I'd still have my middle one waiting for ya. I'm sure you two would make great friends."

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"I- You- What do you know of me?" Soryn said, being caught off guard by the mysterious entity's revelations. He tried to calm himself, not wanting to play to the enemy's tune. "A hero, perhaps the wrong way of viewing myself, I agree."

On 12/16/2018 at 7:28 PM, Stalkerkain said:

"Don't forget, Soryn. You and I are both monsters," The laughter of the skeleton, signaled by the clattering of her skull, echoed once more. "No matter how hard we try to blend in."

Magna's words echoed back to him once more, making his gut feel twisted and uncomfortable.


"But if I cannot be a hero, then one must pursue through other means then, even if I have to resort to spite. It's not just one woman who has influenced me so," he said with contempt. He didn't want to admit it, but he had already been played by two different women. "Joining you is out of the question, you are simply detestable company. And if I have to feed, then it shall be your life I will drain first, before anything else crumbles around me."

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Nothing unfortunate happens to Cell.  It seems that whatever the disc does, it isn't activated when it's picked up.


Hiroki's shot blasts out, sending the shadows spiralling wildly about the tunnel as it burns toward the Makuta.  However, before it gets anywhere near the towering entity, a slender rapier of stone, shrouded in an aura of purple-edged black, slices it out of the sky without a sound, as Dackly's shoulders begin to shake.  "Makuta was right," The plant gorgon sobs quietly, childlike confusion filling her voice, "Gozer doesn't care about me.  He's not my friend.  He isn't anyone's friend.  He doesn't care about anyone at all.  He doesn't care about anything!  Anything but keeping me from learning my name!  But I remember now!  I remember it all!"


"And what do you remember?"  The Makuta prompts smugly.


"I remember my fall from heaven.  I remember when that vile so-called hero kicked me back into the pit of Tartarus to suffer nonexistence for eternity,"  Her voice gains strength, growing a bit deeper as it picks up a sultry lilt and traces of a Greek accent, "I remember when Hades gathered the pieces and used them as his stalking horse.  I remember when the remains of that patchwork were gathered once again, and Gozer set over them to ensure they never would remember anything that mattered.  And now the scattered pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are whole again.  With this mask, I know who I am,"  Her eye glowing faintly in the darkness, the gorgon turns toward the party, and the shadows rise around her in a loving embrace.  "I remember my real name.  I am Medusa, goddess of darkness, rightful queen of the underworld.   AND THIS TIME NO SKY BITCH OR HER FILTHY PET HERO ARE GOING TO STOP ME!  THEY'LL KNOW THE PAIN I GREW SO USED TO I DIDN'T RECOGNIZE IT FOR CENTURIES!  But first, I think I'll be getting some sweet, sweet vengeance upon the pathetic creatures who thought they could keep me a slave."


The Makuta's eyes move in such a way as to suggest that he's leaning back against the tunnel wall, enjoying the show.  "Would you like some assistance with that?"  Medusa scrubs at her chin with her free hand, a pensive expression stealing across her face.


"I get full rights to the Goddess of Darkness title," She states.


"Done,"  The Makuta chuckles, "The matoran always get caught up on the whole darkness thing.  It's not like I was the only one with shadow elemental powers even before you showed up.  They're too useful to give up, of course, but...  I was always more partial to being the god of lies and spirit of treachery."


"They will die by my hand!"  The gorgon ventures, clearly wavering.


"Seeing as they just refused my generous offer and the protection it would naturally grant, I don't see why not.  It's always fun to watch a bunch of would-be heroes flail their way to a mostly self-inflicted demise."


"Just don't try that treachery on me.  I'll turn you to stone and display you in front of my fortress as a warning to the next fool who considers it,"  Medusa snarls, "Get out here.  It's murder time."


"Really?  Just like that?"  The Makuta weedles, "After I went to all the trouble of preparing a restorative, too."


"A restorative... for what?"


"I mean, if you don't want your good looks back, I could just dump this out," The shadowy entity offers insincerely, "You never know when such rare ingredients will be available again, and they're viable for such a short time.  But I understand.  Sometimes you just need to murder a fool for his transgressions."


"You know, watching them flail around like idiots looking for the Toa Stones does have a certain appeal," The goddess allows, "And with a side of spa treatment.  Mmmm.  Tempting.  I can defer the murder.  Pencil it in later.  Take me to your lair, o mighty master of lies.  I hope it impresses, or I might start thinking this little deal is looking a bit less good."


"You won't be disappointed,"  A tendril of purest black detaches from the oppressive darkness and wraps around Medusa, before the unnatural darkness recedes, leaving behind no sign of either shadow deity.  Nuparu's lightstone begins to shine again on the floor and the stunned matoran scoops it up.  Its light is as dim as ever, but after the encounter with the Makuta it feels as bright and warm as the sun (albeit without the negative consequences for Soryn).  The onu-matoran hugs the lightstone close to his chest with one hand and his weapon with the other, staring off into the middle distance as he mutters "Mata Nui Mata Nui Mata Nui," In a dead, flat tone.  Halhi is feeling a bit more expressive.


"What.  In the name of the Great Beings.  WAS THAT?"  She shrieks, heartlight flashing like the strobe lights in a rave, "You had a murderous shadow creature BRAINWASHED and were using her as a GOON?  ARE YOU ALL INSANE?  Mata Nui, the only reason we're STILL ALIVE is that she thought getting a mani-pedi was MORE IMPORTANT than killing us RIGHT NOW!  WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?"

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Gozer just sits there while this is happening, not even the tiniest movements, not breathing, not shifting.  Not even a rumble.

For a moment, it seems as though Gozer's green flame will flick out, even as Cap is shouting at him, the look on Cap's face screams it almost as much as his voice does, his demands the exact same as Halhi's.


"What is this?! What has just happened?!"


Gozer fails to move, even as he responds, in a monotone that the gang has never heard from him before.  His Green flame has changed into a simple, gloving orb, without any flickers or shifting.  Like it had become a cold emerald, instead of a warm fire.


"...A Failure." Gozer says.  He doesn't elaborate further.

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Hiroki simply stood in stunned silence for a moment, before another blast of static (and an underlying angry screech, if anyone could pick it out under the horrendous digital one) presaged another burst of plasma that flew down the tunnel. The mech stomped once, before freezing in place. Calm down. Calm down. Even if that bastard did whatever that was to Dackly and made you feel that way and deserves to be crushed under your boot, you have to calm down. The girl struggled to bring herself back toward some semblance of composure; now that the target that had allowed her to narrow and focus her thoughts was gone, she was left with a ball of anger and no viable outlet. Not to mention the shock of Dackly's sudden betrayal. So, she stood there, guns still whirring slightly in a ready state but otherwise statuesque, trying to recollect herself.

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Cell continues to stand there for several second, mostly oblivious, looking over the disk and ignoring the mass chaos around him.

Right as Makuta and Dackly are teleporting he looks up, suddenly realizing that something is going on.  He moves to act, but too late, and so instead he reaches up and scratches the side of his head.  He shrugged, gave a look of confusion, but mostly disappointment, like he'd been left out of something cool happening.


He quietly clipped the disk to one of his belts and dropped the flashbang back into his bag, if he could frown he certainly would be.

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Ice bursted from the tip of Cicivexa's scepter, and it found no target. Neither did his fire. By the time it was fired, it was too late. The Makuta and the Gorgon were gone, and yet, he kept flinging spells for about half a minute straight before his rage mellowed. The shadow covering his face abated, and he regained his composure. 


"...I knew that monster was trouble. The moment I laid my eyes on her, I knew she meant nothing but manipulation, and massacre. And I was right."


And yet at the same time, his judgement of her ability was far off. He knew voidsent were incredibly dangerous, but he was prepared for them. He wasn't prepared for gods. Just like his previous encounter with the Gorgon, he realized just how out-of-his-league this whole thing was for him. This isn't a job for a Black Mage, it's a job for a freaking Warrior of Light! 


But he couldn't let anyone think him too weak for the task. Makuta was right. Destruction was all he could do, and if there was something he couldn't destroy? He'd just have to learn how. 


He once again began to project a shadow over his face, to perhaps hide any weakness he might display. "Come on. Maybe one of these Toa stones can counter this Medusa's gaze. Either the rock stone or the earth stone, and the earth stone's just that way."

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"We didn't know. We were brought together from separate worlds for the most part with nothing tying us together." Edmond coughed out. He wrenched his thoughts away from his own dilemmas--the Makuta hadn't even had the grace to acknowledge his response--and continued to speak.


"We-I at least had no context whatsoever. But that's irrelevant. We were given a chance, even if it was one the Makuta plans to laugh at before crushing. So we need to move."


There had been no manipulation, no need for it, from the moment Dac--no, Medusa put on the mask. Offers of restoration, the idea of watching the group squirm in search of the Toa stones, the fact that Makuta must have felt something, actual glee at success and new perhaps even friend. And it had worked, the Makuta's pure corrosive honesty as the antidote to the group's own lies.

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"Tch..." a tongue click was all Jade could muster after witness the events that transpired. He knew the god of shadows would have a couple of tricks up his sleeve but he could never expect this. He could never forgive him for this. Jade tilted his hat down, it's rim now covering his eyes. "Lets go, there's no point in wasting any more time here. We need to get those toa stones." The man grumbled. He despises the thought of having to fight a comrade in battle, however, if need be he won't hesitate to do what's necessary for the good of everyone else... Even if it means he'll have to kill. Let's just hope that it doesn't come to that point.

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"Earth stone.  Right.  I- I can do that.  We should be close," Nuparu pulls himself together, handing his lightstone off to Halhi so he can hold his weapon in both hands, "Follow me.  Great Beings, I hope the Makuta didn't use the time we spent talking with him to set up traps.  Oh, who am I kidding, he totally did."


Nuparu leads the group down the tunnel, as the air continues to warm, until a strange, rhythmic noise fills the air.  Scritch, scritch, scritch.


Jade and Cicivexa (intelligence 21 v 1, backstory precident) recognize it as the sound of insectoid feet.  Lots and lots of insectoid feet.  Somewhere up ahead a rather lot of bugs are on the march...



Feel free to collect your first three crafting tokens now.  You may want them to train or craft things to help you solve the puzzles and puzzle bosses to come.


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Jade nodded his head along with Cicivexa, drawing out Ace from his holster, "Aye, y'all best prepare yourselves. Can't say how many of them are there but I can definitely hear a large swarm of bugs up ahead. Knowing the Makuta I don't suppose this lot will be friendly either."

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Soryn let out a bated sigh, as whatever that train wreck that just occurred, had finally passed. But it would seem this moment of respite wouldn't last for long, as his hearing picked up on the skittering of some fast approaching creatures. For once, he would like some peace and quiet, but he had already learned quite quickly that that would be too much to ask for. Soryn readied himself the best he could, for whatever lurking dangers lay ahead of the party.

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The light from Cell's crystal core shuddered slightly as he made the closest thing to a sneer he could manage, boy did he hate spiders.  Stupid, creepy, multi-legged things.


With one hand he drew a large sword with a dull purple blade and brighter, glowing purple edge.  With the other hand a blueish bow stylized to look like half of a giant snowflake.

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"Bugs, huh? How much further do we have to go, and do we have any knowledge of common trap types the Makuta has used in the past?" Edmond wagered that then answer would be a decisive no, and he knew he'd regret the fact that he hadn't hooked up the non-visual sensor systems to his suit. He couldn't really address that problem on the move though, and they were pressed for time. Hopefully the others would be perceptive enough. He himself settled into retrospection about the events that had unfolded, watching snippets that he'd seen at intervals on the suit's faceplate.

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Hiroki, by this point, had at least calmed down enough to pay attention to her surroundings and process what had been said. "Dackly wasn't a minion, she was. . ." A friend? She didn't know the snake woman that well, clearly. Still, they'd spoken, and she hadn't been entirely offput. Given time they probably could have found a bit more common ground. She shook her head, the motion mostly muffled by the armor. Deal with what was in front of her. Spiders, or something, were coming, she could handle that. And then she would handle Medusa, and then Makuta. She'd fought gods before. 

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Scritch, scritch, scritch.


Countless tiny, glowing, red eyes carpet the floor, accompanied by precisely half as many glowing red stingers, as a seething tide of six inch long scorpions march toward the party.  "Kofo-Jaga!" Nuparu exclaims, "Uh, uh, likes heat, hates the cold, very social!  Don't get stung!"


"Cold?  It's like a sauna down here!  Even if one of us had ice powers, any ice we made would melt!"  Halhi starts backing away from the arachnids, lightstone beam shaking along with her hands, "We've gotta run to somewhere cooler, before-  Mata Nui what is THAT?"


Amidst the still oncoming horde of tiny scorpions, a huge scorpion rounds a corner up ahead, its body covered in thick, metallic plates of armor.  Over one of its claws rests a rusty, dented, pitted mask, and over the other a mask gleaming clean and silver.  "Even Nui-Jaga don't get that big!" Nuparu analyzes, fear subsumed by curiousity, "I don't think anything like that's ever been seen on the island before!  We may have discovered a new species!"


"Less biology, more running!"  Halhi shouts at him, "We need to get out of here before they swarm us and feed us to their big brother!"




Jade:  55/55, healthy

Cell:  128/128, greedy

Gozer and Cap:  51/51, emotionally compromised

Cicivexa:  70/70, healthy

Soryn:  90/90, healthy, in darkness

Edmond:  65/65, healthy

Hiroki:  90/90, healthy

Halhi:  40/40, healthy

Nuparu:  50/50, healthy

Silver Scorpion:  ?, Infected Mask (?), ?

Kofo-Jaga:  Hungry




Jade:  21

Cell:  12

Silver Scorpion:  8

Gozer and Cap:  6

Cicivexa:  6 (Lower dexterity)

Halhi:  4

Soryn:  3

Edmond:  2

Nuparu:  2 (Lower dexterity)

Kofo-Jaga:  1

Hiroki:  -4


Don't forget your Heartlights and Masks of Power!  The former are kind of attached to you, and you'll pass out without the latter.  And then probably get eaten by scorpions.

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"Perhaps not my ice." Cicivexa flicked his staff towards the Kofo-Jaga, hoping to chill its joints. And even if it didn't work, he needed the magic boost for his more dangerous spells. Speaking of...
"Nuparu, how would you assume this NEW scorpion handles heat?"


Cicivexa casts Blizzard (((5d4+24)*0.75) Damage, 14 Initiative Reduction on Target, provides user Umbra for 3 turns) on the Kofo-Jaga, with a 24% chance to deal a critical hit for 2x damage. 



HP: 70/70
Init: 0 (+6) = 6

Constitution: 8
Dexterity: 0
Intelligence: 12 (+2) = 14
Strength: 0
Synergy: 10


Astral Cycle: Whenever Cicivexa casts a Fire Spell, he gains the Astra effect for one turn, boosting the damage of his next Fire Spell by 10%. This damage boost does not stack with itself. Whenever he casts a Blizzard Spell, he gains the Umbra effect for 3 turns, enabling the ability to cast certain spells, frequently Fire Spells.


Offbeat: Certain spells have the "Offbeat" tag. Cicivexa can cast one Offbeat spell per turn, and doing so does not use an action. He cannot cast an Offbeat spell the turn after he has cast one. 


Firestarter: All attacks have a critical chance equal to INT*2%, dealing 2x damage on a critical hit. 


Enhanced Black Magic: All attacks that scale off of some amount of INT scale off of the same amount of SYN. For example, if an attack deals INT/2 damage on its own, it now deals INT/2+SYN/2 damage. The -50% penalty to buffs on AOE spells still applies. Does not apply to non-damage effects. 



Enochian: If neither Astra nor Umbra was active in the previous two turns, -50% damage dealt. 


Actions: 4/7 slots used
Blizzard: Deals WD*0.75 ice damage, and also deals INT Initiative Reduction.  Is a Blizzard spell


Fire Bolt: Deals WD+5d6 fire damage. Is a Fire Spell. Can only be cast while under Umbra


Swiftcast: Offbeat, Cooldown of 4 turns. Replicates the effect of any non-offbeat skill Cicivexa knows. The cooldown cannot be decreased via leveling. 


Manaward: Offbeat, once per encounter. All incoming damage is reduced by 50% for 3 turns. This reduction occurs before other sources of reduction. 


Equipment: 3/7 slots used
Stardust Rod Novus: Casts the Scathe spell, dealing 5d4+INT non-elemental damage. 

Felt Sash: Increases initiative by 6. 


Heartlight: +2 Damage Reduction, +2 INT, 5% MHP damage every turn without Mask. 

      |-> Mask of Power: Prevents heartlight's damage over time. 


Edited by Unlurking Sentinel
Changed the target
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Cell hesitates as the horde of scorpions comes around the corner, as soon as Nuparu mentions they don't like cold he quickly sheathed his sword and reached back into his bag.  He pulled out a small light blue grenade with a snowflake emblazoned on either side. 


He lobbed it forward, into the mass of scorpions and just close enough to catch the largest one.  As it sailed over and just before it hit the ground it exploded into a show of icy vapor and liquid that fell on the scorpions freezing some solid.


Cell uses Ice Grenade on the Silver Scorpion and Kofo-Jaga, this reduces their Init by 6 and causes them to act last this round.






Level: 7(5)

HP: 128

Initiative: 12

Tokens: 3/5


Strength: 8

Dexterity: 12

Intelligence: 12

Constitution: 14

Synergy: 0




Aura of Laceration: Talk about a paper cut.

For one round any time an enemy targets Cell with a melee attack that enemy takes [Int] Slashing damage, cooldown of one round.

Level 2: Increase duration by one.

Level 3: Increase duration by one(duration of three).


Parry: aaannndd riposte.

Choose a target to parry, if they attack before your next move cancel that attack.


Health Flask: Estus anyone?

Restores 3d6+[Int], usable once per encounter, not usable while cursed.


Ice Bow: Thawing out hurts the most.

Fire an arrow at an enemy, dealing [Int] cold damage and freezing them solid(stun), arrows are not returned until a target dies or the end of combat, may be used as a free action, cooldown of one round, has no effect on targets with cold resistance.

Total arrows: 2,

Remaining arrows: 2.


Sack of Grenades: Talk about a bag of goodies.

Starts with one grenade type, additional types may be bought with levels, cannot use any type of grenade until all types are off cooldown.

Infantry Grenade: Deals [Str] damage to two targets.

Oil Grenade: Covers two targets in oil for two rounds, fire damage taken while covered in oil is increased by 20%, cooldown of two rounds.

Magnetic Grenade: Staggers two targets with magnetic fields for two rounds, targets gain 20% miss chance while staggered, cooldown of two rounds.

Flashbang: Two targets randomly hit friend or foe with their actions for two rounds, cooldown of two rounds.

Fire Grenade: Set two targets on fire, dealing 1d4+[Str]/2 fire damage each round for two rounds, cooldown of two rounds.

Ice Grenade: Reduce the Init of two targets by [Int/2] and freezes them, forcing them to act last next round or this round if the user acts before them, targets gain immunity to the freezing effect of this action after the first time it's used on them, but not the Init penalty, two round cooldown.

Level 2: Adds Oil Grenade.

Level 3: Adds Magnetic Grenade.

Level 4: Adds Flashbang.

Level 5: Adds Fire Grenade.

Level 6: Adds Ice Grenade.




Belier’s Rune(trick): La Brute.

Allows the user to dive downwards and create a shockwave when they land, negates fall damage and may destroy weak floors, the size and damage of the shockwave is based on the distance fallen and up to GM fiat.


Giant Killer: The bigger they are.

Attack one target for 7d10+[Dex] damage, Weight of 8.  Deals 50% more damage to Elite enemies and Bosses or 100% more damage if the user is below 50% HP.

Level 1: Deals 1d10+[Dex] damage.

Level 2: Add one additional die.

Level 3: Add one additional die.

Level 4: Add one additional die.

Level 5: Add one additional die.

Level 6: Add one additional die.

Level 7: Add one additional die.


Toa Heartlight (Untyped) – The ancient mechanisms of the Toa Canister have transformed you into a creature of Bionicle!  But without a source of elemental power, only some of its features have been unlocked.  Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 Con.  Cannot be unequipped at this time.  Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.  Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power.


Matoran Kanohi Mask – This artifact allows beings of Bionicle to properly control and contain their powers.  Without one, even the mightiest Toa can be humbled.  Some masks can also grant special powers, but these do not.  They are enough to keep you alive and healthy, though.  Can be knocked off by a critical hit, requiring a round to recover and put back on.


Scintillating Orb: An odd magical orb that absorbs light and magic.
Once per battle, it can be discharged to increase the die size on a given attack by one step. Adds SYN flat damage if dice are already d12s or higher.


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"There is no creature, bug or otherwise, that can stop our noble quest!"  Cap says.



Cap uses Spray, throwing spiked stone caltrops among the enemy, lowering the Silver Scorpion and the Kofo-Jaga's Initiative by 3, and stunning them if this brings them below 0 Init!



Level 1 Royal Guard: (Gozer, Blue Art) Gozer assumes a powerful stance, preparing to absorb incoming attacks. 

Gozer predicts that a specific target will be attacked by a specific other target, if he is correct, the attack is negated, and D&G gain a damage boost equal to the damage negated, which is added to their next attack.  This action takes place immediately before the attack being blocked does.
Level 1: (Cap, Blue Art) Celestial Spear: Cramping Dackly's Signature Move, Cap throws a spear at an enemy made of Celestial Magic.

Deals 1d10+Int Damage, but the enemy's next attack on Cap will deal 1d10+Attacking Stat Damage to them.
Level 1: (Gozer, Cap) Spray: Cap throws a handful of Stone Caltrops at enemies, lowering Init for 3 enemies by 3 each, if init hits zero, they are stunned"

Toa Heartlight (Untyped) – The ancient mechanisms of the Toa Canister have transformed you into a creature of Bionicle!  But without a source of elemental power, only some of its features have been unlocked.  Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to Int when equipped.  Cannot be unequipped at this time.  Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.  Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power.


Matoran Kanohi Mask – This artifact allows beings of Bionicle to properly control and contain their powers.  Without one, even the mightiest Toa can be humbled.  Some masks can also grant special powers, but these do not.  They are enough to keep you alive and healthy, though.  Can be knocked off by a critical hit, requiring a round to recover and put back on.

Name: Emerald Fonts
Description: A small emerald which glistens with some kind of condensation, and glows with an inner light, anyone holding it would feel better, but not much.


-Level 1:

 The user is healed for CON/4 + 1 HP per turn.


Name: Emerald Fonts
Description: A small emerald which glistens with some kind of condensation, and glows with an inner light, anyone holding it would feel better, but not much.


-Level 1:

 The user is healed for CON/4 + 1 HP per turn.


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Jade kept his focus on the source of the noise, glaring for any sense of movement. Once the swarm approached them he tried to find the head hancho, which low and behold, made himself very apparent. He drew his revolver, deftly swapping the ammo in his gun for his Cryogenic Bullets. He fires straight for the mask of the Silver Scorpion, time to see if he can blast it off.


Jade starts with Cryo Ammo

Jade fires off Ace of Spades' Basic attack that deals (2d6+26)*1.5 damage and inflicts -2 Init with a 26% chance to crit and deal triple damage

Dodge chance: 28%




6/6 Cryo Ammo

Level: 5

HP: 55
Init: 22

Stats: [10+Lv*4] = 30 + 1 Dex*Lv from Perk
Constitution: 5
Dexterity: 12+2
Intelligence: 12
Strength: 5
Synergy: 1+3

Swift Sparrow: This character dodges incoming attacks, having a Base DEX*2 chance.
Quickdraw: Deal 1.5x damage against targets that are behind Jade in the initiative order. If an enemy has more than 1 action per turn Jade must be ahead of 50% or more of their turns
Hawk-Eye’d Shot: DEX+INT (Both Base Stats) chance to do 3x damage with a Firearm’s basic weapon damage.
Darting Marksman: Jade gains +1 Dex  for every level

Too Focused (Flaw): Due to Jade focusing too much during combat while aiming it makes it harder for him to recover when that focus is lost. Stuns last 1 more turn when afflicted on Jade.

Actions: 4/7 Slots
Twitchy Reflexes: Jade always seems to have an itchy trigger finger and is always ready to enter combat.
Base: Add +4 to Jade’s initiative roll
-Level 2: Now adds +8 to Jade’s initiative roll (3 AP)

1000-Yard Stare: With his keen sight, Jade is able to judge and hit bulls-eyes from great distances.
Base: Add 1/4 of Intelligence to Firearm Attack Damage
Level 2: All Firearm Attacks now add 1/2 of Intelligence
Level 3: All Firearm Attacks now add 3/4 of Intelligence
Level 4: All Firearm Attacks now add All of Intelligence. This action can no longer receive levels that increase damage based on Intelligence (5 AP)


Combat Roll: A quick roll out of danger. 
-Base: Increase Evasion chance by 1.5 for 1 turn. 3 Turn cooldown
-Level 2: You can now reload during roll
-Level 3: Cooldown reduced to 2 Turns
-Level 4: Evasion Chance increases by 2.0 (5 AP)


Fan the Hammer: Quickly unload bullets into one enemy. 
Base: Fires 1d6 worth of bullets fired. Deals (Firearm Basic Attack damage/3) Per Bullet. Each bullet counts as an attack. This gains no bonuses that add to Firearm Basic Attacks. 4 Turn Cooldown
-Level 2: Now fires 1d6+2 worth of bullets
-Level 3: Now fires 1d6+4 worth of bullets
-Level 4: Jade can now choose how many bullets are fired
-Level 5: damage calculation is now (Firearm Basic Attack damage/2) Per Bullet (6 AP)


Equipment: 3/7 Slots


Hat of the Precursors
Description: This worn cowboy hat has been enhanced with ancient technology, breathing new life into a beloved accessory. However due to this technology it’s quite heavy and reduces the Initiative by 5-Str
Base: Reduce all damage from all sources by 1
-Level 2: When making basic weapon damage with a Firearm add 1d6 Plasma damage
-Level 3: Grants +3 Synergy to the wearer




Toa Heartlight (Untyped) – The ancient mechanisms of the Toa Canister have transformed you into a creature of Bionicle!  But without a source of elemental power, only some of its features have been unlocked.  Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to a stat chosen when equipped. (Dex)  Cannot be unequipped at this time.  Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.  Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power.

Matoran Kanohi Mask – This artifact allows beings of Bionicle to properly control and contain their powers.  Without one, even the mightiest Toa can be humbled.  Some masks can also grant special powers, but these do not.  They are enough to keep you alive and healthy, though.  Can be knocked off by a critical hit, requiring a round to recover and put back on.


Ace of Spades
Description: A revolver fancy revolver made by Jade himself. It can use multiple types of ammo though it can only hold 6 bullets at a time. Must spend an action to reload when magazine is empty. The recoil is hard to manage and thus reduces the users Initiative by 5-Str
-Base: 1d6+Dex+Ammo Effects, Basic Ammo: Adds 1d6 to damage


Ammo List:


Cryo Ammo: Bullets filled with a chilling cryogenic substance 
-Base: -2 Initiation per bullet

Pyro Ammo: Bullets that get set ablaze with fire 
-Base: +2 damage and once hit 3 bullets hit a target deal 4d4 Fire Damage

Shock Ammo: Bullets charges with large amounts of electric energy. 
-Base: Has a 20% chance to paralyze the target per hit
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They liked heat? That was bad news. Still, she'd dealt with heat-resistant targets before. As it turned out, nothing was truly fireproof; one merely needed to apply additional fire until that claim was proven false. . . and Hiroki had a lot of fire to supply. She unleashed a focused beam from her primary cannon, steadying it with a clawlike off hand while it swept across the tide of scorpions.


Hiroki uses Melt on the Kofo-Jaga, dealing 2d6+SYN (14) unreduced, undodgeable damage. This has a 10% chance to deal 2d6 additional damage. 



HP: 90
Init: -4

  • Constitution: 12
  • Dexterity: 2
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Strength: 4
  • Synergy: 12

Relevant Perks:

  • Superiority - Hiroki's relentless assault deals 1.5x damage against targets that are under 50% health.
  • Hellfire Mantle - Grants the actions Hellfire Mantle and Unleash Hell.
  • Divine Challenge - Grants the action Divine Challenge.
  • Stop Mocking Me! (Flaw) - Hiroki automatically fails checks against mental ailments the first time one is incurred, and takes 50% more damage from mental attacks. 



Hellfire Mantle: The Hellfire Knight's signature ability. It disables all other actions while active, but reduces all incoming damage by half of Hiroki's SYN, and inflicts full SYN damage on anyone that attacks her while it is active.
-Base: Shield of SYN/2, and the same damage.
-Level 2: Increase damage by SYN/2. This action can no longer recieve levels that increase its damage based on SYN. 


Unleash Hell: Discharges the Hellfire Mantle at between 1 and 3 opponents. Deals 3d4+SYN to one, 2d4+SYN to two, or 1d4+SYN damage to three targets. Can only be used to end Hellfire Mantle. 4 turn cooldown.


Divine Challenge: As a free action, force an enemy to target you with at least one attack for the next 2 turns.
-Base: Taunt a single enemy for 1 turn as a free action. 2 turn cooldown.
-Level 2: Increase duration by 1 turn.
-Level 3: Decrease cooldown by 1 turn.
-Level 4: Remove cooldown.
-Level 5: Taunting a new enemy no longer removes the old taunt.


Curtain Fire: Hiroki fires a massive wave of plasma into her enemies, dealing SYN damage to each within 5 initiative of a target. 1 turn cooldown.
-Base: Deals SYN damage to all enemies within 5 initiative of a target, on a 3 turn cooldown.
-Level 2: Decreases cooldown by 1 turn.
-Level 3: This attack cannot be dodged.
-Level 4: Reduces cooldown by 1 additional turn.
-Level 5: This action can be used as a free action, but will go on cooldown for 4 turns.


Melt: Diverts power to Hiroki's main weapon and deals an armor-busting attack, dealing unreduced, undodgeable damage. 3 turn cooldown.
-Base: Deals weapon damage while ignoring reductions. 3 turn cooldown.
-Level 2: This attack is now undodgeable.


Giga Flare: Hiroki unleashes a full barrage with her equipped weapons on a target, dealing double her weapon's normal dice in damage+SYN+INT. 5 turn cooldown.
-Base: Deals double weapon dice+SYN damage, 5 turn cooldown. 
-Level 2: Adds INT/2 damage.
-Level 3: Adds INT damage.


Hellfire Plate (Trick): The tough armor that makes up the body of the Hellfire Knight. It is quite heavy, sacrificing maneuverability for raw protective power. This piece of equipment always causes -5 INIT in encumbrance penalties, but reduces all incoming damage except mental by 4.
Base: -2 damage from all sources but mental. -5 INIT, always.
Craft Level 2: Reduces damage from physical sources by 1 additional point.
Craft Level 3: Reduces damage from energy sources by 1 additional point.
Craft Level 4: Further reduces physical damage by 1 point.
Craft Level 5: Further reduces energy damage by 1 point. 


Main Cannon: The gun that delivers most of Hiroki's damage. Reduces INIT by 5-STR (and cannot increase it.) Deals 2d6+SYN damage, with a 10% chance to deal an extra 2d6.
Base: Weight 5, damage 1d6+SYN.
Craft Level 2: Adds a d6 of damage.

-Level 3: Accurized: Gains a 5% chance to double the dice rolled for an attack.

-Level 4: Increases critical chance by another 5%.


Toa Heartlight (SYN) - Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to a stat chosen when equipped.  Cannot be unequipped at this time.  Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.  Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power. Grants an extra action slot for equipping masks. 


Matoran Kanohi Mask – This artifact allows beings of Bionicle to properly control and contain their powers.  Without one, even the mightiest Toa can be humbled.  Some masks can also grant special powers, but these do not. 

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The stings, Edmond was confident he could avoid, unless the creatures could both leap easily, and pierce metal. Not wholly out of the question. For now he'd just hover a bit off the ground, and hope that they couldn't. The shock system for the suit would have been mighty useful here. He steadied himself, pointing his rifle towards the dented mask on the large scorpion creature.


Attack with Long Arm of the Law rifle shooting the Silver Scorpion (aiming at the corroded mask), dealing 2d8+INT damage, enemy dodge reduced by 10% (if they have a 20% dodge chance, make it 10%). 2 points global damage reduction, 4 points physical damage reduction.


Level: 5

HP: 65


Damage Reduction: 2 points global, reduce physical damage by 4 points (doubled against bullets).


Init: Equal to your DEX(2) score

Constitution: --7



Gambit: By sacrificing 25% MHP, Edmond gains another action during his turn.


Preemptory Bracing: Through being prepared for pain and injury, Edmond is able to lessen it. Thus, recoil damage from himself or allied effects on him is reduced by 30+Level/2% (Rounded down as usual)


Autoregeneration: Through a combination of genetic factors and automatic injectors in his power armor suit, Edmond can regenerate somewhat from damage. Heal 10% MHP every round.


7/7 Slots used:



Name: The Iron Will

A made-in-America modern miracle. This weapon of destruction flies over enemies, laying down suppressive firepower when combined with "The Long Arm of the Law". Basically a set of highly patriotic power armor.

Weight: 5

Base (Loot): Grants physical damage reduction of 3 points, modular system: Provides +1 to rolls attempting to modify this system or integrate it with other electronic systems.

Level 2 (Loot): Physical damage Reduction increased by 1

Level 3 (Loot): Flight Systems Online: Grants fluff flight

Level 4 (Loot): Bulletproof: Damage reduction against bullets: 2*Physical Damage reduct

Level 5 (Loot): Acrobatics: The user gets +INT/2 at attempts to perform aerial tricks.

Level 6 (Craft): The suit can now record up to three enemies or six objects in high detail, allowing them to be studied remotely, granting items of "Combat Data"


The Long Arm of the Law: A weapon meant to be used by someone wielding the Iron will's frame, it looks like an unholy combination of a high caliber sniper rifle and a belt fed machinegun.

Weight: 5
Base (Loot): Deals 2d6+INT damage, and when used by someone not utilizing the Iron Will armor system, the weight is treated as 7.
Level 2: APDS Rounds: This weapon can be used with your choice of INT or DEX as its base stats.
Level 3: Familiarity : Bumps the dice formula up to 2d8+Stat
Level 4: Dead Aim: If the Iron Will suit is equipped, consider enemies dodge to be reduced by 10% when utilizing this weapon.


Quick tune-up: Edmond performs a series of repairs on a mechanical ally. Heal 2d6+INT HP on an ally who can be considered mechanical.

Level 1: Heal a mechanical ally by 1d6+INT.

Level 2: Heal the mechanical entity by 2d6+INT

Level 3: Edmond counts as mechanical for this skill, due to personal knowledge of his power armor.


Individual Air Support: Edmond chooses one ally, and makes note of incoming threats to them for one round. If an enemy would deal damage to the ally, even one cloaked or invisible, Edmond will first launch a burst of suppressive fire at them, dealing the base damage from a range weapon he is using, and stunning the enemy for one round. 5 turn cooldown.

Level 1: Choose an ally, if an enemy would target them, attack, deal basic damage, and stun. 5 turn cooldown.

Level 2: Advanced Sensor Array: Edmond will still be able to attack enemies who are cloaked, invisible, or speedy in such a way that would normally prevent them from being targetted while they make their move.


Strenuous G-force (free action): This action modifies other actions. Edmond may sacrifice an amount of HP, and move at a spot in the init equal to his original init plus or minus the amount of HP sacrificed. 1 turn cooldown.

Level 1: Sacrifice HP to move an amount around in the init equal to how much HP you sacrifice. 2 turn cooldown.

Level 2: 1 turn cooldown.


Toa Heartlight (INT) - Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to a stat chosen when equipped.  Cannot be unequipped at this time.  Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.  Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power. Grants an extra action slot for equipping masks.

Matoran Kanohi Mask – This artifact allows beings of Bionicle to properly control and contain their powers.  Without one, even the mightiest Toa can be humbled.  Some masks can also grant special powers, but these do not. 



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