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10 Fledgling

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  1. Just beat Risa in Axis High and she commented on her win rate. She seems to think that she won our previous battle even though she didn't, is this something that anyone else experienced? It's bugging me even though I know it doesn't matter.
  2. I think what they meant is that while using mods the vanilla mechanic of allowing you to relearn a move for a pokemon on the go (after giving the relearner 3 heart scales for that single pokemon) does not work, so you would have to use the relearn anywhere mod which they might not want. I tested it and am pretty sure that the party options master mod causes this.
  3. I mean the game isn't finished, technically there has always been pokemon that you couldn't obtain yet. I do find it weird they decided to do it to a custom pokemon tho. Not really worth losing your shit over.
  4. I've been looking so hard for a list of new crests and what they do. THANK YOU FOR THIS.
  5. Rejuvenation is shaping up to be the best looking Pokemon game I've ever seen including both the 2D and 3D era of Pokemon.
  6. I'm gonna go against the grain here and say I completely agree that the Boss mechanic, though can be cool, is unbalanced. It's simply not a mechanic that was intended to be in the base Pokemon game and is probably too difficult to implement especially on top of all the field effects (they might as well be an entirely unique mechanic seeing how different it is from the official games). Pokemon is at the end of the day a team based game which is why Gamefreak makes sure there are multiple ways to easily deal with singular threats, you could even say that the Singles format revolves around this concept of threats and checks which the boss mechamic breaks. The "single boss" experience only really exists if you're trying to catch the mon. The field effects already make some playstyles harder to use because of how much offensive advantage it can give. The boss mechanic is even more oppressive as it just shuts down certain moves. I think we retroactively value the diffficulty the boss battles bring higher after beating it and forgetting the frustration in getting there. It's something similar to Intense imo or any game known for it's difficulty. There is an unbalanced mechanic/part/boss within the game > players bash their heads against it > they eventually win > the accomplishment clouds their judgement of its fairness > devs recognizes the problem and tries to fix it > players protest because now the game is easier and they feel that the experience is now "cheaper" somehow. It's an unproductive way of looking at game balance especially since this is an incredibly lenghty project. It would suck for them to try and implement a mechanic and not be able to change or remove it down the line if they decided it was unbalanced because of that mentality. Remember this mechanic has only been here for 1 version, it wasn't here for all the previous ones and the game was just fine before, in fact it was still too difficult for some people. It was the game we all loved for years before v13 was released and it didn't have the boss mechanic for all those years.
  7. A dedicated breeder, eh? thx again
  8. A shiny one even? Thx so much bud
  9. nice thx what's your username? and did you want anything specific?
  10. Just need 1 for the dex stats and nature doesn't matter. Willing to trade a shiny Marill for 1 (not good ivs tho).
  11. I can't actually believe it. When I started playing at E16 I was just starting college, I'm as hyped for this as I was for Elden Ring.
  12. Frostbite is the better status but I don't know if it can't translate well into the existing movepool
  13. You say that but I'm probably replaying the whole thing once it comes out
  14. eggon

    Regarding Intense Mode

    Looking at it objectively, even as someone who has played the game in intense and understand the appeal, this just straight up seems like the correct decision. Ignoring toxicity and whatnot, designing entirely new teams, sets, and gimmicks for every single battle in the game before the game is even finished seems like an incredibly taxing endeavor. Note that intense mode means not only are entire new teams designed during development of new versions but also if there were ever any changes made to previous episodes, especially as big as the one we got in v13, that means you're doubling the workload on team design for those changes as well and this would continue everytime there are any changes to existing encounters. It just seems like the most efficient path is to finish the game first.
  15. My problem with those 2 characters is that they seem intended to play the role of a manipulative super powerful super knowledgeable villains, but we kinda already have that in Madame X. And sometimes the stuff that they do feel like a convenient way for the plot to progress instead of having an internal reasoning that makes sense and as a result complicates things in a way that no other plotline does imo. For example, it's suggested that Clear was the one who manipulated Nim and turned her into Lorna not Crescent. But why? They already can turn people into stone with the machine without Nim's help, or perhaps they are readying her to be the new Storm-9? But then why pose as Crescent? Not only does Nim not have any type of relationship to Crescent beforehand, Clear, either before or after, neutralized her so they didn't have much to gain by implicating her. She could've impersonated anyone else or even just wore a mask if she just wants to obfuscate the situation and it wouldn't play out that differently. This is one of those scenarios that I mentioned I felt was retconned at some point. Every other major plotline whether it's Team Xen, Garufa, Vitus, are really fun to explore for me in a way that this one just isn't because it kinda exist on it's own external to everything else except for when they are needed to manipulate some event in a certain way to create conflict.
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