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About Maneeee

  • Birthday 08/03/1996

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    Plovdiv, Bulgaria

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  2. I was looking through TM's that Chandelure can use and to my surprise, thunderbolt isn't one of them. I don't know if that's intentional or not but just in case it isn't I'll leave it here
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  4. Update, badge is also gone when I lose to Geara himself
  5. Good afternoon! I was enjoying a brand new rejuvenation run when I reached Geara and the Giratina killed me. Destroyed me. Absolutely tarnished everything I stood for. Though it didn't only faint my pokemon, apparently it stole one of my gym badges as well. I was furious, furious I tell you. I went to the pokemon menu to check up new strategies and what do I see? A team full of level 30 pokemon unable to be leveled up further. So not only did Giratina steal my gym badge, but also sucked the literal life force out of my pokemon. Not cool Geara.
  6. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  7. Yooooooooooooooo! hyyyyyyyype! So ecstatic this is out! There an obtainable list, or have I missed it?
  8. If e5 gets enough traction do you think a seperate tab (like reborn or rejuvenation) for pokemon desolation would be possible? I am aware that it might be a bit too soon for that but it might be a good idea to give this game some more publicity, plus it would be much more convenient.
  9. So glad this project is continuing, it has unlimited potential! Question is, with some starters being axed, does this mean that other obtainable mons will also be axed? I recall reading something like this previously but I just want to make sure since there are some real stinkers in the game rn deino, scyther, sneasel
  10. I love you, you beautiful man. And I love desolation just as much. Take your time with it, make it as exquisite of an experience as you can.

  11. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😉🍰

  12. What have you lost hope for...? The game is still coming you know. The loss for hype is completely understandable but losing hope is a bit too much
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