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  1. idk if someone reported this yet but my repels won't work when i use them! I still encounter pokemon, it's quite annoying especially when i'm doing side quests. I'm on version 6
  2. so will it be ready by tomorrow or Sat?
  3. i need help i think its a bug in Kakori village side quest, I did the Battle Me Again quest. I completed it but it showed up as uncomplete so when i went to do it again i couldnt battle her twice. it just says claim your reward at the front. Im on 5.5
  4. i need help i think its a bug in Kakori village side quest, I did the Battle Me Again quest. I completed it but it showed up as uncomplete so when i went to do it again i couldnt battle her twice. it just says claim your reward at the front. Im on 5.5
  5. How do i update to the next version? Im on 5.3.2 and want to update to 5.5. I used Mediafire last time because Mega gives me problems
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