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Wes last won the day on October 18 2015

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About Wes

  • Birthday 10/24/1994

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    All aboard the Slapmeat Express!

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  1. WOAH good thing Aaron was there. He made sure even though he died 14 times that those were deaths that COULD and likely WOULD have gone to one of his teammates, and the upstanding leader that is Aaron's heart can't possibly allow him comrades in arms to perish before him. He must shield them with all his might, else he's failed as your superior and most importantly.... your friend.
  2. In no particular order except Angry-At-Big-Daddy Phase Jeanne is best.
  3. Got a few questions, from a Based God to a Lord. 1. How does it make you feel, knowing that every 60 seconds a minute passes in Africa? 2. How did Harambe's death affect you emotionally, and does that also change how you plan to vote in November knowing that Hillary Clinton had him taken out? 3. Is there an anime character stronger than Imaqtpie? And I’m referring to TWITCH TV Imaqtpie with the Eternal and many PJSALT (with the REDDIT MEME ability) equipped with his 4-20 Heimerdonger and control over Jhin and Lucian, a completely monochrome screen, with Faker's DNA implanted in his chest so he can masterfully type /ff, demoted to D3 as well as being extremely skilled in League of legend
  4. nice copypasta One man inspired me to be the best I could be in life No, Cory is
  5. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkf_rgLzKlZv2_V6c3mNN2A https://www.youtube.com/user/Hiiragi230 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGS5J_Cn7QBxBnCWQW6oYBQ All 3 of those channels^ english lavender goatsmilk soap
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGoWtY_h4xo The entire board of instruments chosen really fits what they would use in the snow regions of Tactics A1 and 2
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