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Pinsir-Heracross event



Hey, I cleared out the entirety of the Adventurine Woods (even counted my Honey and used all 20 like the E17 guide says to) and got all of the special items in all the areas. Now in the south-east I can see the final Pinsir and Heracoss fighting but one side is walled off by a web and the other is blocked by a log - how do I even get to that place ?

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On one side as you can see there is a log, on the other a web - can't get through this path at all and I think this is where the final Heracross Pinsir fight resides (where I get to catch one of them).




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2 hours ago, AweKartik777 said:

On one side as you can see there is a log, on the other a web - can't get through this path at all and I think this is where the final Heracross Pinsir fight resides (where I get to catch one of them).




IIRC in the log one, there's honey tree far below it, use it to clear the log. I might be wrong though, so just look around that area.

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