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pokemon rejuvination where love lies. save bug

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I was playing pokemon rejuvenation where love lies my laptop accidently shut down while I was playing the game. and before it did it offered me to save which I did. after that the game will not let talia read her script that was given to her due to her being shut down before her speech, it just make the entire game move without me or her moving before the cutsean. and non of the current patches help with this bug.

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That's not exactly a bug, the problem was how the computer shut down and saved in the middle of the script. If you use a backup to go back to a point before the speech then you should be able to get through that part without problems. Note that the guide I'm linking below is for Pokemon Reborn. Make sure that you are in the "Rejuvenation _ Where Love Lies" folder inside saved games.


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