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Mystery Egg

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Hi everyone, 

so I'm pretty far in the game right now as I just beat Amber, and I was hoping to get a Togepi out of my Mystery Egg.

Unfortunately I got stuck with a Vullaby, so I was wondering if anyone would be willing to put a Togepi in my game. Not even in my party, but just somewhere in my game (West Gearen Help Center request, replaces Gastly in Wispy Ruins). I know I'm asking a lot and that Togekiss is a really good Pokemon, but I've been a fan of it for a long time but unfortunately have not been lucky enough to be able to use it. If you would like to put it in my PC I definitely would not be opposed to that, but I would appreciate having a Togepi in this run. Thank you!




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u can always use cheat engine to get any pokemon u want, even legendarys and non available ones. just take a pokemon which evolves fairly soon, search for his pokedex id x 2 +1, so if it has pokedex id 100 it would be 201, then evolve it and search for that id with the same method. then change the ids/numbers you get as results and change the number to any pokemon u want .

For togepi it would be 351 i guess

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