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19 Fledgling

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  1. when neither of your favorite characters, best girls Flora and Erin are on the list ;-; @Norman Guy is right, my friends. Melia and Zetta? Pfft. They’re rip-off blonde’s. Aelita? Nancy? Still dead. Saki? He was alive before she was, making him cooler. Honestly, let’s just replace the whole cast with Thomas. Everyone can become gravel for him to step on.
  2. No... could it be? The one and only... Dr. Jenkel?!
  3. Oops, that was my mistake. I put the spoiler tag around the post, and I’m sorry if I spoiled or inconvenienced someone in any way.
  4. On your Xerneas theory... I have a feeling that the final Pokémon on Melia’s team is going to be a shiny Xerneas .-. Prior to going to GDC, Melia says that she still needs one last team member, and that she doesn’t actively search for them herself, but they come to her instead. It’s a bit of a stretch but I think the addition of any other non-climatic Pokémon would be a really awkward place in the story. I’d much rather have the player get it though... but yeah.
  5. @ArmoredGuardian I got curious and checked Cosmia's sprite. I think you're onto something...
  6. I wonder if it has to do with that Game Over feature...but it's kind of unlikely since that's something that's implemented into RPGMaker already. Maybe it's just more modes or something, like Nuzlocke's and stuff. I would also guess online features too.
  7. @Silver Boy (About the professional help comment) Interestingly enough, Sigmund would actually be perfect for treating Amaria. ECT is used to temporary offset severe depression, which is what Amaria is suffering through.
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