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  1. Same. But I'm not going to restart the game since I just recently restarted...
  2. At first I was like BRANCHED STORIES!... And then I was like...
  3. Also, wait until someone makes a guide/walkthrough for E16 so that the experience is seamless.
  4. Oh man, that is great! Look forward to the site's new look.
  5. I will never forget the first movie. It was epic and it was really touching.
  6. The animations look fine, but I dunno about that Greninja one. Takes waaaay too long, at least for a Pokemon game.
  7. Came here to 'KYAHH' about that 2% increase in progression.
  8. Alright, let's go with something unconventional. Team Safniyaa (And yes it is an actual surname; I did some research back when I wanted to make a game).
  9. I want the ability to have our own unique Field...
  10. I probably only restart when the save file is unusable due to the new updates, or the full release. Reborn is too big to be replayed from the beginning without a vacation, loads of new content and some pent up mood.
  11. Oh. I guess I'll never get a Sunny Day except in battle then, yay (I do not remember the latest date I changed but yeah, GG)!
  12. Welp, I'm not a PvP player and I'm not interested to get sweeped, but this certainly looks cool alright. Is there a way to save the replay or must a 3rd party software be used?
  13. Yeah. It NEVER moves to 'next week' of weather in my playthrough no matter how I try to 'tweak' it, so when I play Reborn it's eternally raining or thunderstorming. I hope it's fixed in E16...
  14. Because Reborn is so desperate I try my best to raise a small group of Pokemon - literally this group and nothing else unless the situation absolutely calls for a rare serious catch and grind - and cramp every powerful move I can think of inside; even though I can probably breathe easier and save much more time by actually considering a proper Pokemon to breed and carry a defined set of skills. Or maybe I'm just lazy, but that's MY problem.
  15. Then squash him with a Pulverizing Pancake, because you can.
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