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Shintarou last won the day on July 3 2014

Shintarou had the most liked content!


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  1. Uwaa this is so cute! And man, I swear I took at least 3 hours trying to grasp the concept that is Fern's hair Actually, I don't recommend jumping into anatomy right away if you're a beginner. Learning anatomy is really hard and boring if you don't know how to translate 3d forms into 2d. In other words, you should learn how to think and draw objects in 3d first. Anatomy, proportions and stuff like that is the second step, so don't worry about it now. I actually barely know crap about anatomy myself! Think of 3d objects as small building blocks used to make your drawing. I used your cute drawing to show how you can use 3d objects such as cylinders to construct a drawing. I threw in information on how to draw a cylinder as well! Sorry if all the stuff I added is an eyesore. Of course, I'm no pro mofo artist, so I recommend reading Vilppu's drawing book if you want to learn more stuff like this. It's great for beginners and it greatly helped me when I was a beginner myself! (Even though I still am one) Here's a download link to the PDF if you're interested: https://mega.co.nz/#!EJpm0Dha!FZsLTevggXFts8goIssrC3rdubh5KgklxbdFBbhYraA Anyways, you should always keep drawing and draw what you like as well! Drawing should be enjoyable after all
  2. I like both theories. Shade giving Gengar a new home is really moe, and I find Shade to be already really moe himself I don't know what Titania's character design looks like lol
  3. Haha, when I first saw Fern's necklace I thought, "they know Phoenix Wright! Man, that's cool." I've always wondered why Shade named his Gengar "Corey" I only realized why he did halfway drawing this
  4. Ah, thank you for the compliments! Has anyone noticed Fern's necklace kind of looks like Maya's necklace from Phoenix Wright? I thought that was kind of interesting. Or is Fern's necklace a whistle or something? I don't really know Anyway, I'll be taking Reborn-related art requests so I can grind on my drawings. So, give me your ideas! Don't expect anything to look finished though
  5. Are we using this thread for fanart? It's nice seeing some. The lack of Reborn fanart kind of bugs me, so I drew a comic strip of it
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