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Mimikyu last won the day on January 5

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About Mimikyu

  • Birthday 06/16/1994

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  1. Snag Machine mostly becomes a redundant thing after Blacksteeple ( Even more if you Terajuma password skip)
  2. Necroing this post but if your having issues still The Magnetic and Mirror Lures in Kecleon Shop in Route 2 will make encountering them easier
  3. If you plan on New save, You dont have to keep original V13, The Downloaded v13.5 Folder can be run as is to play ( Make sure you also run updater.exe once before playing though for patches) Game saves in Pokemon Rejuvenation in Saved Games folder V13 and previous Because of changes to game, It now Saves under Rejuv in saved games folder https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BjtFPXn8G37j621l_68fBcoNx3Qsvrg1idjS6c_Umls/edit#gid=1358618184 Passwords + Quests and etc to help get back to where you were faster by Dred
  4. Run Updater.exe if you havent updated in while Youve gone and talked to the group inside the Cafe, Dylans House in southern area, Your boat by the Dock, and Up by Isle of Angels?
  5. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BjtFPXn8G37j621l_68fBcoNx3Qsvrg1idjS6c_Umls/edit#gid=1358618184 Has the Chapter .Karma Files officially started in game or tried doing it as soon as loaded in 13.5?
  6. Depending on progress in the game, Underground GDC if past Terajuma Pre-Terajuma: blacksteeple Castle Shop
  7. Idk, i just know A.Lapras Go Brrrrrr
  8. Another thing also, In previous versions of Rejuv (This is from my memory of an NPC), Crawli is stated to be blind and uses his Bug Types Compound Eyes ability to "See" 13.5 Rejuv has no mention of this at all now
  9. Huh, i won within 8 turns my last go at Souta so i was not aware I know on one of my playthroughs it felt like it would keep going without it being reapplied
  10. Field_Effect_Manual.txt in Main folder if your looking for it Every Field is listed in there with What moves are Boosted/Reduced + Ability changes and ways to change the field
  11. Souta's Field keeps Tailwind up indefinitely after its used
  12. Im not entirely sure tbh If it comes down to it, beat Amber and see if reward is given at Kakori Help Center, if not, I can manually give the +1 Karma point and Inkay Im not a Dev, i just Fix save files here mostly and answer questions :C
  13. When Saki comes back to the group after landing on Terajuma, someone mentions on her fixing it Tbh idk if theres any shadow pokemon now after that sequence?
  14. Its listed here already but you can easily sweep Souta because of Aevian Lapras Its Hidden ability is No guard and it learns moves like Sing, D Dance, Stone Edge (i swear it gets Zap cannon too) Sing Turn 1 then D dance until wake up, Sing the turn after it wakes up to heal/Continue boosting
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